If you’re looking for information on how to make a claim for personal injury compensation, you’ve come to the right place. Our panel of expert solicitors can all offer their services on a No Win No Fee basis. Claiming compensation for a personal injury you’ve suffered may seem like a daunting process. However, we are here to help.
You’ll find helpful information covering several topics on this site. Our online guides aim to be as informative as possible.
We also understand that every claim is unique. Your own circumstances may not feel like they relate to the examples we mention. This does not mean you cannot claim compensation for a personal injury. It just means you’ll need to get in touch with us for personalised guidance. Our advisors are available 24/7 to help in any way we can.
Reach out today by using the contact details at the top of the page. In the meantime, read on. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
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- Personal Injury Claim Settlement Process
- Personal Injury Claim Time Limit
- Personal Injury Compensation From Car Accidents
- Compensation For Personal Injury Accidents At Work
- Other Examples Of Personal Injury Claims
- Personal Injury Compensation – No Win No Fee Claims
Personal Injury Claim Settlement Process
When making a claim for a personal injury, certain steps you can take could support your claim. While the details of exactly what you should do after an injury might vary, there are some steps that can apply to many different kinds of claims.
Here are a few example steps:
- Seek medical attention – Whilst this isn’t a legal requirement, your own health should take priority. Even injuries that appear minor could become more severe if left untreated. Additionally, you can use the medical records that are generated as evidence.
- Inform the responsible party – You can only claim if your injuries were caused by negligence. This is when someone owes you a duty of care, and a breach in it causes you to be injured. Your employer, other road users, or the party in control of a public space are all parties that could be responsible for your safety. Let them know in an official capacity that you intend to make a claim against them if their negligence has caused you to become injured.
- Gather evidence – Whilst we’ve mentioned medical records as an example, other forms of evidence can include CCTV footage, photographs, and witness statements.
Personal Injury Claim Time Limit
In general, you have 3 years to begin a claim. Whilst this time limit (as stated in the Limitation Act 1980) does typically begin from the date you sustained your injury, this is not always the case.
Personal injury compensation
For instance, you may not be immediately aware that you have sustained an injury at all. This could occur in cases of certain minor injuries. The date you become aware of your injuries is known as the date of knowledge – it could be the start of your 3-year time limit if you can support it with medical evidence.
If the injured party is under 18, their time limit does not begin until they become an adult. Then, they also have 3 years to begin a claim. Before this date, a litigation friend must be appointed if a claim is to be made. No one under the age of 18 can make their own claim.
Should the injured person not have the mental capacity to make their own claim, a litigation friend can do so on their behalf, and the time limit is suspended. The time limit begins in the event that they become able to claim themselves. Otherwise, it remains suspended.
Personal Injury Compensation From Car Accidents
All road users owe each other a duty of care. This includes:
- Drivers
- Cyclists
- Motorcyclists
- Pedestrians
This duty of care can be upheld by following the rules and guidance in the Highway Code. Whilst not everything in the Highway Code is a legal requirement, some of the guidance found in it is elsewhere backed up by laws such as the Road Traffic Act 1988. You may be able to claim against another road user if they breach this duty of care and cause you to be injured as a result.
Compensation For Personal Injury – Accidents At Work
As per the Health and Safety At Work etc. Act 1974, your employer is responsible for making sure you are kept safe at work. This means that they must take all reasonable steps to ensure your safety. This responsibility is otherwise known as their duty of care.
If you can establish that your employer’s negligence caused your injury, then you could be owed personal injury compensation.
Other Examples Of Personal Injury Claims
It’s possible that you could also be injured in a public space. For instance, you may have tripped and fallen on a loose paving stone or a wet floor in a privately-owned building.
Those responsible for the area owe all of those using the space a duty of care. This can include environments including a supermarket, restaurant or bar. You might be able to claim against the responsible party if your injuries were caused by their negligence.
Even if the area is owned by a local authority such as a council, then they too must maintain the area to a safe standard. Therefore, it is still possible to make a claim for compensation for personal injury against your local council.
Personal Injury Compensation – No Win No Fee Claims
As mentioned earlier, all the lawyers on our panel can work on a No Win No Fee basis. This means that should you enlist their services, they only take a legally capped percentage from your settlement if your claim succeeds. If your claim fails, they do not take this percentage.
If you’d like to find out more about hiring a lawyer who can help you claim personal injury compensation on a No Win No Fee basis, reach out today. Remember, our advisors are available to offer help free of charge on a 24/7 basis.
You can also check out some of our other guides here:
- See our guide to the personal injury claims process here
- Learn more about the time limit for personal injury claims here
- Check your eligibility to make a personal injury claim here